Tuesday 10 July 2007


Last Friday I attended the Public Meeting at Invicta Grammar School to debate the KIG proposals. I was encouraged by the huge turn out and response from the public and equally encouraged by the promise of KCC Leader Paul Carter to use 'every available tool, every available weapon' to help defeat the proposals.

I spoke at the meeting to say that it was not just a issue that affected the local villages (although it will affect them most). It will have devastating Borough and County wide implications. I was surprised that out of the five candidates standing in the North East division only myself and the Green Party candidate bothered to show up and show their support.

Everyone who drives on the roads. Everyone who enjoys the country side to look upon or walk along. Everyone will be affected by this monstrous proposal.

We must all sign up to the KIG website to show support. Please tell friends, family and work colleague. Use the link below to sign up to the Stop KIG campaign.


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