Tuesday 10 July 2007

Save Maidstone A&E

Gordon Brown says he will listen to the people.

Save Maidstone Hospital.

Stop 60 lives a year being lost.

Send him a message he cannot ignore.

Sign this petition.


Last Friday I attended the Public Meeting at Invicta Grammar School to debate the KIG proposals. I was encouraged by the huge turn out and response from the public and equally encouraged by the promise of KCC Leader Paul Carter to use 'every available tool, every available weapon' to help defeat the proposals.

I spoke at the meeting to say that it was not just a issue that affected the local villages (although it will affect them most). It will have devastating Borough and County wide implications. I was surprised that out of the five candidates standing in the North East division only myself and the Green Party candidate bothered to show up and show their support.

Everyone who drives on the roads. Everyone who enjoys the country side to look upon or walk along. Everyone will be affected by this monstrous proposal.

We must all sign up to the KIG website to show support. Please tell friends, family and work colleague. Use the link below to sign up to the Stop KIG campaign.


Thursday 5 July 2007

Meeting Ann Widdecombe

I met Maidstone and the Weald MP Ann Widdecombe in the heart of the Ward to discuss and debate the issue dominating my campaign.

I was delighted to have Ann's full support on a wide range of local issues and I hope that if elected I can work with her to address the concerns brought to my attention by the residents of Maidstone North East.

Meeting with Paul Carter, Leader of KCC

I met KCC Leader, Paul Carter, on Tuesday and
we discussed the key challenges facing Maidstone over the coming months.

Building on the achievements already made by local Conservatives, I was delighted that improving educational services and protecting our grammar schools is a top priority for the council.

I told Paul something needed to be done to deal with congestion in the town centre and he said plans were already being developed to make it easier for us all to get around Maidstone.
I also brought up the issue of local development and we both agreed that the proposals for the KIG would be disastrous for the local community. We will lobby the ruling Lib Dems on Maidstone Borough Council very hard over the coming weeks and months to ensure that they are clear such development is unwanted in Maidstone.

Thursday 28 June 2007

Vote for me because

On July 12th you will have the opportunity to vote for you representative on the Kent county Council. These are some of the things that I will do:

· I will make it clear to the ruling Liberal Democrats at Maidstone Borough Council that we don’t want damaging development at Junctions 7 and 8 of the M20.

· I will support Kent County Council’s Conservative pledge to retain all our Grammar Schools which continue to produce the best academic results in the country.

· I will work with Kent Police to tackle the problem of anti-social behaviour in our area.

· I will support measures to deal with the unacceptable levels of congestion in Maidstone town centre.

· I will continue to support the Conservative campaign to save our local NHS services.

I hope that you agree with these points and that I can rely on your support.


With Keith Ferrin

Yesterday I took Cllr Keith Ferrin, KCC Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste, into Vinters Park to explain how I want to see more pedestrian crossings on the estate and additional crossings on the Sittingbourne Road. Every day these roads are crossed by school children and other residents and it is important we provide a safe environment for them.”

Tuesday 26 June 2007


It is a privilege to be selected to stand as your conservative candidate in the by-election for Maidstone North East. Since being selected as the local Conservative candidate, I have spoken to a number of local residents about their hopes and concerns for their local area.

As your County Councillor, I will stand up for the whole community, fighting for the issues that matter to you: saving our local NHS services from damaging Government cuts; providing better public transport; developing our town centre to ease congestion; promoting the environment and attracting new business to the County.

I am a determined, sincere and hardworking person who is always ready to listen. As a retired civil servant I will have the time to dedicate myself to representing you at Kent County Council.”